
Data Completeness


1.1: has the city elected parlamentery person 10
1.1: How many urban leaders of the city have been trained in city management, efficient delivery of services and provision and maintenance of urban infrastructure over the past 12 months? 10
1.2: How many Urban Sector Implementers in the city have received BSc, MSc and PhD certificates over the last 12 months? 15
1.3: How many city management stakeholder forums were held by the city over the past 12 months? 6
1.4: Are the city’s MIS systems currently operational (and including a statistical unit)?
1.5: Are the city’s MEL systems currently operational?
1.6: How many ICT improvements related to MIS and MEL have been completed over the past 12 months?
1.7: Has the city established and does regularly conduct city management-stakeholders’ forum?
2.1: How many new jobs were created in the city by MSMEs over the past one year? 546
2.2: How many MSMEs were established in the city over the past one year?
2.3: How many micro businesses graduated to MSME status in the city over the past one year?
2.4: How many MSME graduated to medium sized enterprise status in the city over the past one year?
2.5: How many business permits were issued in the city over the past one year?
2.6: What is the percentage of MSMEs that were functional in the city over the past one year that are engaged in manufacturing?
2.7: How many MSMEs were provided access to finance in the city over the past year?
2.8: What is the total annual budget allocated for development and support of MSMEs in the city for the current budget year?
2.9: What is the per capita budget allocated for development and support of MSMEs in the city for the current budget year?
2.10: How many MSE support organizations were trained (certificates given) in the city over the past one year?
2.11: How many MSME trainers were trained in the city over the past one year?
2.12: How many MSME operators have received training and support in the city over the past one year?
2.13: How many MSME support organizations were given equipment and materials in the city over the past one year?
2.14: How many markets have been constructed and readied for MSME in the city to date?
2.15: How many MSMEs in the city have been helped to create market linkages over the past one year?
2.16: What is the number of beneficiaries participating in the food security and safety net programmes in the city who found employment over the past one year?
2.17: What is the number of beneficiaries participating in the food security & safety net programme in the city who set-up a business over the past one year?
2.18: What is the number of beneficiaries of food security in the city who are unemployed 1 year after leaving the programme?
2.19: What is the numbers of food security and safety net beneficiaries in the city who received cash transfers over the past one year?
2.20: How many of food security and safety net beneficiaries in the city have received guidance on wage and/or self-employment over the past one year?
2.21: How many food security and safety net beneficiaries in the city have received training over the past one year?
2.22: What is the percentage of food insecure households in the city?
2.23: What is the percentage of > 5-year-old children that are medically classified as stunted in the city?
2.24: What is the number of jobs created in the city directly through the public works component of the urban job creation and food security programme over the past one year?
2.25: What is the unemployment rate in the city?
2.26: What is the percentage of city’s population currently living in absolute poverty?
2.27: What is the percentage of the city’s population currently engaged in informal employment?
2.28: What is the youth unemployment rate in the city?
2.29: What is the proportion of households currently living below the national poverty line in the city?
2.30: What is the number of jobs in the construction industry that involved in the manufacture of local building materials, out of the total number of jobs in the construction industry of the city?
3.1: What is the percentage of women in the total elected officials of the city (during the last election)?
3.2: What is the percentage of women in the total number of employees of the city’s government?
3.3: What is the percentage of urban population of the city that is engaged in civic activities?
3.4: What is the percentage of registered voters as a proportion of the voting age population?
3.5: What is the percentage of registered voters who participated in the last local government election?
3.6: Has the city formulated and adopted standards for municipal services?
3.7: Has the city conducted municipal service delivery evaluations over the last one year?
3.8: Over the past one year, how many urban professionals were trained on how to adapt, implement and achieve municipal service standards?
3.9: Does the city have a direct participation structure of civil society in urban planning and management which operate regularly and democratically? No
4.1: Does the city have land development and use standards for various purposes?
4.2: Does the city have an updated and comprehensive land use plan for various purposes?
4.3: Is the city’s land use plan currently being implemented?
4.4: Does the city have a functional land management and registration system?
4.5: How many officials of the city have been trained in land management?
4.6: How many slum areas have been surveyed in the city to date?
4.7: Has the city prepared slum strategies?
4.8: Have the slum strategies of the city been implemented and completed to date?
4.9: Does the city have an urban planning manual?
4.10: Does the city have structural and neighborhood plans?
4.11: How many officials of the city have been trained in urban planning?
4.12: What is the ratio of land use (residential, commercial, industry, etc.) in the city?
4.13: Does the city have up to date land price benchmarks?
4.14: Does the city have a formally written land supply plan?
4.15: Does the city have an updated farmer compensation and livelihoods plan?
4.16: What is the percentage of women with legally recognized documentation or evidence of secure rights to land?
4.16: What is the percentage of men with legally recognized documentation or evidence of secure rights to land
4.22: What is the ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate in the city?
4.24: Does the city implement urban and regional development plans integrating population projections and resource needs? No
4.25: What is the proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements, or inadequate housing?
4.26: What is the share of the built-up area of cities that is open space for public use for all, by sex, age and persons with disabilities?
5.1: How many housing units were constructed per capita over the past one year?
5.2: How many private sector firms were involved in housing sector over the past one year?
5.3: Has the city have standards designs that have been agreed/approved?
5.4: Has the city prepared and implemented a housing institutional framework strategy?
5.5: Has the city prepared and implemented a housing finance system development strategy?
5.6: Has the city prepared and implemented a housing professionals and technicians’ capacity building strategy?
5.7: Has the city conducted a study to develop a system to identify annual housing demand and supply by income group and assess the state of urban housing demand and supply?
5.8: What is the housing price to income ratio in the city?
5.9: What is the percentage of private sector firms involved in housing provision who feel that the ease with which they can be involved has improved?
6.1: Has the city completed infrastructure and service deficits identification plans?
6.2: Has the city devised projects / investments to address the infrastructure and service deficits?
6.3: How many projects / investments has the city implemented to address the infrastructure and service deficits?
6.4: What is the total recurrent and capital budget allocated by the city for urban infrastructure and services development for the current budget year?
6.5: What is the per capita recurrent and capital budget allocated by the city for urban infrastructure and services development for the current budget year?
6.6: Has the city prepared public transport and mobility strategy and plans? No
6.7: Has the city implemented public transport and mobility plans? No
6.8: What percentage of city residents who feel that infrastructure and services have improved?
6.9: How many urban public toilets are currently functioning in the city?
6.10: What is the total length of installed water pipelines in the city?
6.11: What is the total length of constructed all-weather roads in the city?
6.12: What is the total length of constructed drainage lines in the city?
6.13: What is the total length of streets with installed street lights in the city?
6.14: What is the current urban infrastructure development index for the city?
6.15: What is the total length of mass transportation system in the city?
6.16: What is the proportion of urban households with sustainable access to safe water source in the city?
6.17: What is the proportion of urban households with an indoor sanitation facility in the city?
6.18: What is the proportion of urban households with legal electricity connections in the city?
6.19: What is the proportion of population with access to modern and renewable energy (electricity, LPG, biogas and other clean cooking systems) in the city?
6.20: What is the proportion of the city’s population with access to public transport and road?
6.21: What is the proportion of the population that has convenient access to public transport disaggregated in the city?
6.22: Of the city’s total water supply, what proportion is safely treated?
7.1: How many decision makers in the city have been trained on green development approaches over the past one year?
7.2: Has the city prepared and implemented a green space development and management plan?
7.3: Has the city prepared an urban watershed development and management plan?
7.4: How many watershed development and management projects have been designed and implemented in the city over the past one year?
7.5: What is the percentage of environmental and green services’ budget of the city vs. its total budget for the current budget year?
7.6: What is the total budget allocated by the city for environmental and green services for the current budget year?
7.7: What is the per capita budget allocated by the city for environmental and green services for the current budget year?
7.8: Has the city devised and implemented solid waste management and disposal system?
7.9: How many public cleanliness and environmental awareness campaigns have been delivered in the city over the past one year?
7.10: Currently, how many landfill sites have been developed and managed by the city?
7.11: What percentage of the city’s population currently has regular solid waste collection service?
7.12: What percentage of the city’s population is currently served with waste water collection system?
7.13: What is the percentage of municipal solid waste in the city that is disposed in sanitary landfills?
7.14: What is the percentage of municipal solid waste in the city that is disposed in open dumps?
7.15: What is the percentage of solid waste that regularly collected and with adequate final discharge compared to the total waste generated by the city?
7.16: What is the percentage of green area out of the city’s total area?
7.17: How many public parks have been constructed and maintained in the city?
7.18: How many square meters of green areas have been developed/maintained in the city over the last one year?
7.19: How many youth, sports, art and culture centers have been constructed and maintained in the city over the last one year?
7.20: What is the per capita indoor recreation spaces/facilities in the city?
7.21: What is the per capita outdoor recreation spaces/facilities in the city?
7.22: How many trees were planted per 100,000 population in the city over the past one year?
7.23: What is the annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (i.e. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (population weighted) in the city for the last one year?
8.1: Does the city have an operational disaster/risk reduction/resilience assessment & mitigation strategies that are aligned with accepted international frameworks that include vulnerable and marginalized groups in their design, implementation & monitori
8.2: Does the city have an operational emergency service co-ordination strategy?
8.3: Does the city have a gender and disadvantaged inclusion strategy?
8.4: What is the percentage of the population of the city that uses safely managed piped water services?
8.5: What is the percentage of the city’s population using reliable electricity?
8.6: What is the number of the city’s officials that have received and completed training in disaster risk assessment, emergency services co-ordination, gender and disadvantaged inclusion tools and instruments?
8.7: What is the number of firefighter’s vehicles per 100,000 population in the city?
8.8: What is the number of firefighting facilities per 100,000 population in the city?
8.9: What is the average response time in the city for emergency response services from initial call?
8.10: What is the percentage of compliance with building codes in the city?
8.11: What is the number of police officers per 100,000 population in the city?
8.12: What is the rate of violent crimes per 100,000 population in the city?
8.13: Has the city administration adopted and is implementing disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national disaster risk reduction strategies? No
8.14: What is the percentage of women in the city subjected to physical or sexual harassment by perpetrator and place of occurrence (last 12 months)?
8.15: What is the number of deaths, missing people, injured, relocated or evacuated due to disasters per 100,000 people in the city over the last 12 months?
9.1: What is the rate of budget utilization in the city?
9.2: What is the percentage of capital expenditure in the total budget of the city for the last budget year?
9.3: What is the per capita budget of the city for the current budget year?
9.4: What is the per capita capital budget for capital expenditure in the city for the current budget year?
9.5: What is the percentage of expenditure budget in the city used for operations and maintenance of infrastructure over the last fiscal year?
9.6: How much is locally raised revenue as percentage of city’s budget for the current budget year?
9.7: What was the collection efficiency of municipal revenue in the city for the last budget year?
9.8: Are the city’s financial records regularly audited?

City Data

1. Urban Transformational Leadership
1.1: has the city elected parlamentery person 10
1.1: How many urban leaders of the city have been trained in city management, efficient delivery of services and provision and maintenance of urban infrastructure over the past 12 months? 10
1.2: How many Urban Sector Implementers in the city have received BSc, MSc and PhD certificates over the last 12 months? 15
1.3: How many city management stakeholder forums were held by the city over the past 12 months? 6
1.4: Are the city’s MIS systems currently operational (and including a statistical unit)?
1.5: Are the city’s MEL systems currently operational?
1.6: How many ICT improvements related to MIS and MEL have been completed over the past 12 months?
1.7: Has the city established and does regularly conduct city management-stakeholders’ forum?
2. Micro and Small Enterprise and Urban Productivity (Economy)
2.1: How many new jobs were created in the city by MSMEs over the past one year? 546
2.2: How many MSMEs were established in the city over the past one year?
2.3: How many micro businesses graduated to MSME status in the city over the past one year?
2.4: How many MSME graduated to medium sized enterprise status in the city over the past one year?
2.5: How many business permits were issued in the city over the past one year?
2.6: What is the percentage of MSMEs that were functional in the city over the past one year that are engaged in manufacturing?
2.7: How many MSMEs were provided access to finance in the city over the past year?
2.8: What is the total annual budget allocated for development and support of MSMEs in the city for the current budget year?
2.9: What is the per capita budget allocated for development and support of MSMEs in the city for the current budget year?
2.10: How many MSE support organizations were trained (certificates given) in the city over the past one year?
2.11: How many MSME trainers were trained in the city over the past one year?
2.12: How many MSME operators have received training and support in the city over the past one year?
2.13: How many MSME support organizations were given equipment and materials in the city over the past one year?
2.14: How many markets have been constructed and readied for MSME in the city to date?
2.15: How many MSMEs in the city have been helped to create market linkages over the past one year?
2.16: What is the number of beneficiaries participating in the food security and safety net programmes in the city who found employment over the past one year?
2.17: What is the number of beneficiaries participating in the food security & safety net programme in the city who set-up a business over the past one year?
2.18: What is the number of beneficiaries of food security in the city who are unemployed 1 year after leaving the programme?
2.19: What is the numbers of food security and safety net beneficiaries in the city who received cash transfers over the past one year?
2.20: How many of food security and safety net beneficiaries in the city have received guidance on wage and/or self-employment over the past one year?
2.21: How many food security and safety net beneficiaries in the city have received training over the past one year?
2.22: What is the percentage of food insecure households in the city?
2.23: What is the percentage of > 5-year-old children that are medically classified as stunted in the city?
2.24: What is the number of jobs created in the city directly through the public works component of the urban job creation and food security programme over the past one year?
2.25: What is the unemployment rate in the city?
2.26: What is the percentage of city’s population currently living in absolute poverty?
2.27: What is the percentage of the city’s population currently engaged in informal employment?
2.28: What is the youth unemployment rate in the city?
2.29: What is the proportion of households currently living below the national poverty line in the city?
2.30: What is the number of jobs in the construction industry that involved in the manufacture of local building materials, out of the total number of jobs in the construction industry of the city?
3. Urban Good Governance and Capacity Building
3.1: What is the percentage of women in the total elected officials of the city (during the last election)?
3.2: What is the percentage of women in the total number of employees of the city’s government?
3.3: What is the percentage of urban population of the city that is engaged in civic activities?
3.4: What is the percentage of registered voters as a proportion of the voting age population?
3.5: What is the percentage of registered voters who participated in the last local government election?
3.6: Has the city formulated and adopted standards for municipal services?
3.7: Has the city conducted municipal service delivery evaluations over the last one year?
3.8: Over the past one year, how many urban professionals were trained on how to adapt, implement and achieve municipal service standards?
3.9: Does the city have a direct participation structure of civil society in urban planning and management which operate regularly and democratically? No
4. Urban Planning, Land Development and Management
4.1: Does the city have land development and use standards for various purposes?
4.2: Does the city have an updated and comprehensive land use plan for various purposes?
4.3: Is the city’s land use plan currently being implemented?
4.4: Does the city have a functional land management and registration system?
4.5: How many officials of the city have been trained in land management?
4.6: How many slum areas have been surveyed in the city to date?
4.7: Has the city prepared slum strategies?
4.8: Have the slum strategies of the city been implemented and completed to date?
4.9: Does the city have an urban planning manual?
4.10: Does the city have structural and neighborhood plans?
4.11: How many officials of the city have been trained in urban planning?
4.12: What is the ratio of land use (residential, commercial, industry, etc.) in the city?
4.13: Does the city have up to date land price benchmarks?
4.14: Does the city have a formally written land supply plan?
4.15: Does the city have an updated farmer compensation and livelihoods plan?
4.16: What is the percentage of women with legally recognized documentation or evidence of secure rights to land?
4.16: What is the percentage of men with legally recognized documentation or evidence of secure rights to land
4.22: What is the ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate in the city?
4.24: Does the city implement urban and regional development plans integrating population projections and resource needs? No
4.25: What is the proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements, or inadequate housing?
4.26: What is the share of the built-up area of cities that is open space for public use for all, by sex, age and persons with disabilities?
5. Housing Development and Administration
5.1: How many housing units were constructed per capita over the past one year?
5.2: How many private sector firms were involved in housing sector over the past one year?
5.3: Has the city have standards designs that have been agreed/approved?
5.4: Has the city prepared and implemented a housing institutional framework strategy?
5.5: Has the city prepared and implemented a housing finance system development strategy?
5.6: Has the city prepared and implemented a housing professionals and technicians’ capacity building strategy?
5.7: Has the city conducted a study to develop a system to identify annual housing demand and supply by income group and assess the state of urban housing demand and supply?
5.8: What is the housing price to income ratio in the city?
5.9: What is the percentage of private sector firms involved in housing provision who feel that the ease with which they can be involved has improved?
6. Integrated Urban Infrastructure and Services Development
6.1: Has the city completed infrastructure and service deficits identification plans?
6.2: Has the city devised projects / investments to address the infrastructure and service deficits?
6.3: How many projects / investments has the city implemented to address the infrastructure and service deficits?
6.4: What is the total recurrent and capital budget allocated by the city for urban infrastructure and services development for the current budget year?
6.5: What is the per capita recurrent and capital budget allocated by the city for urban infrastructure and services development for the current budget year?
6.6: Has the city prepared public transport and mobility strategy and plans? No
6.7: Has the city implemented public transport and mobility plans? No
6.8: What percentage of city residents who feel that infrastructure and services have improved?
6.9: How many urban public toilets are currently functioning in the city?
6.10: What is the total length of installed water pipelines in the city?
6.11: What is the total length of constructed all-weather roads in the city?
6.12: What is the total length of constructed drainage lines in the city?
6.13: What is the total length of streets with installed street lights in the city?
6.14: What is the current urban infrastructure development index for the city?
6.15: What is the total length of mass transportation system in the city?
6.16: What is the proportion of urban households with sustainable access to safe water source in the city?
6.17: What is the proportion of urban households with an indoor sanitation facility in the city?
6.18: What is the proportion of urban households with legal electricity connections in the city?
6.19: What is the proportion of population with access to modern and renewable energy (electricity, LPG, biogas and other clean cooking systems) in the city?
6.20: What is the proportion of the city’s population with access to public transport and road?
6.21: What is the proportion of the population that has convenient access to public transport disaggregated in the city?
6.22: Of the city’s total water supply, what proportion is safely treated?
7. Environmental, Green Services and Recreation
7.1: How many decision makers in the city have been trained on green development approaches over the past one year?
7.2: Has the city prepared and implemented a green space development and management plan?
7.3: Has the city prepared an urban watershed development and management plan?
7.4: How many watershed development and management projects have been designed and implemented in the city over the past one year?
7.5: What is the percentage of environmental and green services’ budget of the city vs. its total budget for the current budget year?
7.6: What is the total budget allocated by the city for environmental and green services for the current budget year?
7.7: What is the per capita budget allocated by the city for environmental and green services for the current budget year?
7.8: Has the city devised and implemented solid waste management and disposal system?
7.9: How many public cleanliness and environmental awareness campaigns have been delivered in the city over the past one year?
7.10: Currently, how many landfill sites have been developed and managed by the city?
7.11: What percentage of the city’s population currently has regular solid waste collection service?
7.12: What percentage of the city’s population is currently served with waste water collection system?
7.13: What is the percentage of municipal solid waste in the city that is disposed in sanitary landfills?
7.14: What is the percentage of municipal solid waste in the city that is disposed in open dumps?
7.15: What is the percentage of solid waste that regularly collected and with adequate final discharge compared to the total waste generated by the city?
7.16: What is the percentage of green area out of the city’s total area?
7.17: How many public parks have been constructed and maintained in the city?
7.18: How many square meters of green areas have been developed/maintained in the city over the last one year?
7.19: How many youth, sports, art and culture centers have been constructed and maintained in the city over the last one year?
7.20: What is the per capita indoor recreation spaces/facilities in the city?
7.21: What is the per capita outdoor recreation spaces/facilities in the city?
7.22: How many trees were planted per 100,000 population in the city over the past one year?
7.23: What is the annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (i.e. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (population weighted) in the city for the last one year?
8. Resilience, Inclusive and Safer Cities
8.1: Does the city have an operational disaster/risk reduction/resilience assessment & mitigation strategies that are aligned with accepted international frameworks that include vulnerable and marginalized groups in their design, implementation & monitori
8.2: Does the city have an operational emergency service co-ordination strategy?
8.3: Does the city have a gender and disadvantaged inclusion strategy?
8.4: What is the percentage of the population of the city that uses safely managed piped water services?
8.5: What is the percentage of the city’s population using reliable electricity?
8.6: What is the number of the city’s officials that have received and completed training in disaster risk assessment, emergency services co-ordination, gender and disadvantaged inclusion tools and instruments?
8.7: What is the number of firefighter’s vehicles per 100,000 population in the city?
8.8: What is the number of firefighting facilities per 100,000 population in the city?
8.9: What is the average response time in the city for emergency response services from initial call?
8.10: What is the percentage of compliance with building codes in the city?
8.11: What is the number of police officers per 100,000 population in the city?
8.12: What is the rate of violent crimes per 100,000 population in the city?
8.13: Has the city administration adopted and is implementing disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national disaster risk reduction strategies? No
8.14: What is the percentage of women in the city subjected to physical or sexual harassment by perpetrator and place of occurrence (last 12 months)?
8.15: What is the number of deaths, missing people, injured, relocated or evacuated due to disasters per 100,000 people in the city over the last 12 months?
9. Urban Finance Improvement and Management
9.1: What is the rate of budget utilization in the city?
9.2: What is the percentage of capital expenditure in the total budget of the city for the last budget year?
9.3: What is the per capita budget of the city for the current budget year?
9.4: What is the per capita capital budget for capital expenditure in the city for the current budget year?
9.5: What is the percentage of expenditure budget in the city used for operations and maintenance of infrastructure over the last fiscal year?
9.6: How much is locally raised revenue as percentage of city’s budget for the current budget year?
9.7: What was the collection efficiency of municipal revenue in the city for the last budget year?
9.8: Are the city’s financial records regularly audited?